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inspirational stories


Ashok Agarwal, a native of India aged 73 and diagnosed diabetic in 1998 and creator of this website. The story of how he managed his type-2 Diabetes over the last 23 years.


In the year 1998, at a height of 5’7, I carried a weight of 95kg. Unmistakably obese. I also experienced constant hunger, frequent urination and thirst during the night, as well as weight loss despite adequate meals. On the advice of well-wishers, I decided to meet with my physician who carried out a sugar test on urine samples and blood samples. The results were shocking (500 mmol /dcl glucose in blood)!

My doctor then prescribed some medication for me (Daonil 5mg) to take once a day, as well as providing me with advice on diet restrictions and physical exercise. Within a month, I took another test and my blood sugar levels came within prediabetes levels. Thereafter, my initial medication remained the same and I was put on 500mg of Metformin twice a day. 

Although my blood sugar levels had come under control, I knew that diabetes was a lifelong ailment, and one which I knew very little about. So, with the help of information and knowledge available on the internet, I researched and gained a sufficient amount of knowledge on how to manage my diabetes and how to live with it.

A dietician helped specify a controlled diet for me to take and I commenced a routine of walking 6km/day briskly. Soon, I managed to drop my weight to 73kg. Between 2001 and 2021 my HBa1C remained within the range of 6 to 7 which is typically considered good control for diabetic patients. 

Over the years my medication was increased gradually by the consultant endocrinologist to 5mg Daonil and 1000mg Metformin twice a day. Fortunately, I have managed to make do with medication and have not progressed to needing Insulin jabs. 

Now, after many years of acquiring in-depth knowledge and information about everything diabetes-related, I am much better equipped for living with diabetes. My diet is now primarily based on low glycemic index/glycemic load foods to ensure that while I maintain adequate intakes of calories to sustain my weight, my blood sugar levels, and HBa1c after each meal remains within the limits of good control.

The website is, in essence, a summary of the knowledge gained by me over the years in managing diabetes. Having it of course changed my life and everyday routine and now that I am maintaining a healthy and happy life with diabetes, this website is placed as an information center for the benefit of diabetics who have been suffering uncontrolled high/low sugar due to lack of knowledge. 

Indeed, those who wish to manage diabetes will undoubtedly be able to do so with the right guidance and help from the suggestions and advice of various experts. Information presented here on this website is given as a starting point and helping hand, but not as concrete medical and health advice. Any further advice and information you require should be taken from your healthcare team and professionals.


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Jeffrey Lisitza, a native of Chicago (Extract from The story on how he managed his Type-2 Diabetes.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Jeffrey Lisitza, a native of Chicago, was a typical, healthy, 20-something guy. But by the time he had reached his early 30s, his health started to change.“I was gaining weight consistently, I was always tired, and I was always thirsty,” he says. “These are very clear signs of type 2 diabetes.”In fact, obesity is one of the largest risk factors for type 2 diabetes, which occurs when your body can no longer produce enough insulin or make use of the insulin it produces, often leading to high blood sugar levels. Diabetes has become a growing health problem in America and around the world — 366 million people worldwide and 25.8 million Americans are living with the condition.

Jeffrey is one of them. He received a type 2 diabetes diagnosis from his doctor in the early stages of his condition, and he immediately began diabetes treatment. However, his initial attempts to control his blood sugar proved to be relatively unsuccessful.“For the first few years, I took my pills and went about my life,” he says.

“But as time went on, my weight began to increase, and my diabetes became more and more out of control."What Jeffrey didn't realize is that diabetes cannot be managed with medication alone. To keep blood sugar levels under control, people with diabetes need to follow a healthy diet, live an active lifestyle, and reach or maintain a healthy weight.

"I was given more pills and insulin, and the amount of insulin I needed increased over the years,” Jeffrey says. In November 2009, insulin was no longer effective, and his weight continued to go up.

Jeffrey’s diabetes diagnosis and even his struggle to control his blood sugar are not completely surprising. Like many people with the condition, he has a family history of diabetes. “I lost my father to complications of type 2 diabetes about 10 years ago,” he says .Diabetes can lead to serious health complications and increase your risk for many other health issues, including heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney disease, and nerve damage. So it’s important to manage this condition.

“I finally woke up one day, almost two years ago, and realized I had two choices to make: start losing weight and taking back control of my life, or die.”Jeffrey’s epiphany came as his weight was nearing the morbid obesity range, and diabetes medications weren't able to control his blood sugar. At this point, losing weight was the only viable option. “On Nov. 14, 2009, I started a diet program,” he says. “I lost nearly 100 pounds in the 15 months I was on it. My insulin injections became less and less as time went on.”Jeffrey has continued to watch his diet and has lost even more weight. Once 355 pounds, Jeffrey, now age 56, weighs 240 pounds and needs to lose just 20 more to reach his goal weight.

Jeffrey says that he has become quite the cook of healthy, diabetes-friendly meals. “Now that I am eating my own cooking — and by the way, I am an awesome cook — I eat a lot of chicken and fish along with fruits and vegetables, sweet potatoes, healthy pastas [low-glycemic], and brown rice,” he says. “I do still indulge — you can't live in the Chicago area and not have pizza occasionally — but I have learned to eat in moderation.”When it comes to snacks, Jeffrey applies some sound-nutrition rules: Fruit and yogurt are now the norm for him. The result has been a total health turnaround that has allowed Jeffrey to control his blood sugar, get a handle on his diabetes diagnosis, and greatly improve his life overall.

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